officially legally a hermit
Twitter https://twitter.com/GrossGiirl

Age 32, Female

professional garbage

Los Angeles

Joined on 6/21/15

Exp Points:
59 / 100
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
2.95 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2m 29d

Omg! Let's catch up, babe!

Posted by GrossGirl - August 6th, 2024

WhOA Happy 2024 I'm back baby. Yes I know it's August but everyday is the start of a new year if you restart the countdown :D

Totally honestly, forgot about my account again. So.. What's new. 2023 ended sourly, I lost a family member due to health complications related to cancer. He was also an artist and, here and there, I've been helping with his studio and some archiving. It became the "nail on the coffin" in a line of thinking I'd had for a while. He'd have laughed at the pun here. I've put off a lot of my own expression and projects for the sake of others for over a decade, and I've decided that I'm officially setting that aside. Not completely, I still need to eat and freelance is good. But I don't want to die without having finished more for myself. In particular, I'm a story teller who's never told any stories.

I've been working on a comic. A couple actually, but I'm focusing on the easier one first. I'll be releasing more information and art on it soon, as I only have 8 pages ready to ink and color, and I want at least 10 finished and ready to go before I launch it with a patreon. But I'll be posting art and concepts as I go, starting this month. On here, on other social media. It's going to be good, I've been having a lot of fun working on this. It's a comedy, it's not adult, but it's not exactly rated E either. Not sure where it lands yet as I'm not catering to a specific demographic outside of what makes me laugh to myself like a maniac while I draw. We'll see.

More to come! Ciao babes



Best of luck with your projects!